Letter to the Editor: A Perennial Winter

In the hallowed halls of the literary world, where the specter of delayed gratification looms larger than G.R.R. Martin's magnificent hat, there exists a void. A chasm, so profound, so unbridgeable, that it threatens to consume us ardent fans in its gaping maw. Yes, I speak of the yet unpublished sixth and seventh books in the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series.

Oh, the wait has been long, the winters cold, and our patience wearing thin as the pages of our thrice-read copies of "A Dance with Dragons". Every morning, I find myself incessantly refreshing Mr. Martin's Not a Blog, desperately searching for the tiniest shred of hope. But alas, no dragons dance there, no winds blow from the winter that was promised.

Now, fellow readers, allow me to pose a theory, an hypothesis if you will. A notion so bold, it could have been a plot twist straight from the merciless pen of Martin himself. What if... and bear with me here... what if George R.R. Martin has no intention of publishing the books in his lifetime?

Yes, I can already hear your gasps, but consider this - Martin, our beloved and yet cruelly tantalizing author, is no ordinary mortal. His imagination, his capacity to create intricate plotlines and characters so real they haunt our dreams, is it really human? Or is it the work of an immortal being, one who does not age, does not tire, does not... publish?

Could it be that he seeks to extend his legacy beyond his earthly existence, a plan so grand that only an immortal mind could fathom it? A posthumous release, a literary baton passed down through the ages, a never-ending winter to be sung of in times to come. An epic tale, indeed!

Sure, you may scoff, laugh even, dismiss this as the wild ramblings of a desperate fan. And perhaps, it is. But as we wait, our hearths cold, our hearts yearning, one cannot help but wander down the path of wild speculations. So I ask you, dear friends, to entertain this thought. For in this everlasting winter of anticipation, is it so far-fetched to dream of an immortal and sadistic author's master plan?

Yours truly,

Angry and Suspicious